
May: Don’t scorch, stay serene

Greetings, Global Warming! Once talk of the 80’s & 90’s, isn’t a supposition anymore. Man’s over ambitiousness and lack of foresightedness left no stone unturned, to have triggered the initial effects of the phenomenon. Earth’s temperature’s been highest, glaciers melting, abrupt weather changes signifying the change that won’t go in our favor at all (recent incidents of dust storms have already claimed hundreds of lives). The summers are hotter than ever (40+ temperature in the starting of April in North India); winters confined at higher altitudes. While cities at lower altitudes, bade goodbye to winters in the month of February pretty early. Our very homely bird, sparrow; have you seen her lately? And this trend shall continue reaching towards dangerous levels, when mankind will cry for Mother Nature, whom they consumed to every bit, by themselves. Man has always followed his instinct irrespective to the consequences and paid for it even; sometimes the price is

April: Angels in Peril

Greetings, " Rest O my Angel For the journey thereafter is long But there's only solace And you for sure would suffer no wrong " When a child is born, along with him are born a thousand desires in a parent that no scale or device can measure. The joy of parenthood and the emotional jubilance, which can't be expressed in words, but can only be seen through their eyes; while the dreams for a blissful life have just got started. A child changes the ambiance of the home with its innocent squeals & cackles and playfulness. While the grandfather finds a new purpose of life in him, with a reason to feel the surge of energy within; the grandmother once again gets to relive her motherhood, with all the affection & endearment she can now bestow on her grandchild. In short, life takes a 360 degree turn and it only gets better with the little angel in home. No wonder why we have a saying: " बच्चे भगवान का रूप होते हैं " But when the same ch

March: Towards parity

Greetings, The road to enlightenment or putting it simply, knowledge has always been the aspiration of mankind. Purpose/s can be many; solace, ambition, power, peace etc.. Sanatan scriptures have referred saadhna or meditation as the best tool to attain knowledge, where focus is the prime and only requisite. The more the seeker points his focus while meditating, closer he gets to his destination. India has been the land to many such enlightened minds, revered as sages, who have directed people towards living an ideal lifestyle with ethics and pride. There once arrived a man on Earth, who submitted himself to the almighty and rose from a mere man to an awakened sage. He redefined the teachings of Vedas keeping in mind the time/circumstances and taught us the virtues of compassion & non-violence; this the journey of Siddharth to Gautam Buddh. Born as Siddhath Gautam, he was a royalty born to King Shuddodhan & Queen Maya of Kapilvastu. A great seer announced t

February: The essence of LIFE

Greetings, There’s a kind of uniqueness with Indian festivals, their imbuement with nature. Their systematic occurrence in concord to climatic changes enlightens us to another facet of their arrival, not only these festivals have historical & religious relevance, but also, they denote the essence of nature. And nature forms the essence of life, it being everything that surrounds us. There are so many ways and forms through which nature represents itself and bestows its blessings upon us; one amongst them is colors. Though it may seem usual but given a thought, there’s everything special hence unusual about them. Colors help us in looking life’s many dimensions and different perspectives. They even help us heal internally via color therapy as every color has it’s own story and effects. Since we are talking about nature & colors, that too in March, it clearly states that we are all set in Holi mood. The most jubilant festival around the world, Holi indicates th

January: To a new dawn; To new HOPES

Greetings, “ While for some, endings bring joy, hopes and promises; some feel an unfillable vacuum. It all depends on our perspective, how do we wanna see the new beginnings ” Quotes or thoughts, they are simply a concise version of many experiences, knowledge, wisdom, beliefs, values, sometimes feelings, and sometimes a blend of all or one or two. We have seen many personalities sharing their 'piece of thought' with the world in order to inspire or motivate people for a greater good; and at times to warn or caution them from the hazards of social evils that could lead men towards their own destruction. I too, have been sharing/posting quotes on my social   profiles , in order to inspire or motivate, sometimes to provoke a thought, and sometimes to add a perspective. Yes, quotes do help in gaining and making perspective to shape our thought process, for better. And the above stated quote that I scribed on the occasion of new-year, indeed adds a perspective, an outlook